ChatGPT 用不了提示 Failed to get service status / Sorry, you have been blocked. You are unable to access auth0.openai.com
今晚 ChatGPT 服务器又出问题了,各种错误:Sorry, you have been blocked. You are unable to access auth0.openai.com;Failed to get service s...
今晚 ChatGPT 服务器又出问题了,各种错误:Sorry, you have been blocked. You are unable to access auth0.openai.com;Failed to get service s...
今天一位网友在登录 ChatGPT 帐号时,遇到了错误提示 Sorry, you have been blocked(抱歉,您已被屏蔽),不知道到底是帐号被封了,还是 IP 被屏蔽了。其实这个错误并不是大问题,今天老王就分享下遇到这个问题的...